Earlier this week, I was listening to the NPR radio show On Being, which had an interview with Seth Godin, a well-known entrepreneur and author. He believes that the rapid development of technology is changing how we navigate life both professionally and personally.
This rapid change, though, has caught our society off guard, confusing us and tripping us up. Because we still operate with an industrial-era mindset – that to be successful we must do what we’re told, follow the rules – in a nutshell, conform.
So, this is what I’ve been battling against, or trying to climb my way through and around? I feel like someone has finally cleared away some of the sticky, gooey, tiring mess that was clogging up the maze of my life. To be successful today requires risk taking, requires connecting, requires a level of authenticity. The path through my maze suddenly feels springy, bouncy and challenging in a great way.
During his interview, Mr. Godin said: “Doing something that might not work is art.”
And, art is something we all hope to create, deliver or become…right?
Posted by Missy Baker, a long-time student of Elesa Commerse.
To contact Missy, email missylbbaker@gmail.com.
Posted Feb. 10, 2013