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I recently discovered a site called Brain Pickings, created by Maria Popova. Here’s a snippet from the “About” section:

“Brain Pickings is a human-powered discovery engine for interestingness, a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why, bringing you things you didn’t know you were interested in — until you are.”

One of the latest stories features a new children’s book called You Are Stardust (I just ordered it for my son). Popova describes it as “an exquisite picture-book that instills that profound sense of connection with the natural world.”

And this connection – to the earth and to each other – is what we all yearn for. It is something I want my son to understand and appreciate early. Below is a short excerpt that made my heart leap. 😉

Be still. Listen.

Like you, the Earth breathes.

Your breath is alive with the promise of flowers.

Each time you blow a kiss to the world, you spread pollen that might grow to be a new plant.


Posted by Missy Baker, a long-time student of Elesa Commerse.
To contact Missy, email
Posted March 10, 2013

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